You know those days where you are completely wiped out? That's how I feel today....I'm slowly waking up from a mid afternoon nap crash out so in case I don't make any sense...sorry a head of time ; )
I was able to pick the first of my early Bird Tomatoes which was very exciting for me! And the sunflowers - OH THE SUNFLOWERS are stunning. I could stare at them all day long.
All of my flower vases are packed so I have succumbed to beer bottles...hmm....I actually think they look pretty cool...or wait is that just me?
Are you guys familiar with Black Sunflowers or Moulin Rouge Sunflowers? How about it!!!!!!
Remember my post a little while back about Mab Graves who's an incredible artist? Well her adorable business card has found a permanant home in this bright lime green frame I found! I just love it!
I have been in mushroom mode lately with all of my days spent digging in the dirt and sculpted a more realistic mushroom for once. I really like the ruffle at the bottom. I don't know much about mushrooms but my friend told me the other day that the baby mushrooms come from the ruffly part. They drop the baby spores like an umbrella drops rain! Cool! Who knew?

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