Yes you could say I really did fall off the face of the planet but I'm back. In all honesty I was sparing all of you from my up and down roller coaster of a failing marriage. I'm finally ready to go public with the news.....but I'll still spare you from the details. Just know that I am looking forward to getting back into the swing of blogging, creating and finding happiness again
I changed my Etsy shop name from GigiMinor to PinksAndNeedles which feels really good. My ex-husband called me Gigi and my married name was Minor so I'm going back to my God Given name of Annie Kight. I don't expect any of you to keep it straight but I thought I should at least make the effort to turn a fresh leaf so to speak.
Thank you to all of my friends and family that have seen me through this very intense past year. I don't know how I would've survived any of it without the late night phone calls and mid day rants to boot.
I'm still picking up the pieces and getting my head straight but I finally see light at the end of the tunnel.
I'm really looking forward to reconnecting with all of you. If anyone is going through a hard time right now please feel free to leave a comment and let it all out! I'm here to listen.

So glad you're back - I've missed your lovely posts and creativeness.
I am sorry that you are oing through a ad time. But am happy to see that you are coming through it fine. I have never gone through a divorice, so I don't know the pain assocciated with it. But I do wish you happiness from this day into the future. I LOVE your pins!
Glad to see you back and looking happy. I love your work and see it every day here by my monitor - all those little pins you made for me.
Anyway.......of course *I* would love your name change....:)
So glad to have you back! Take care - remember that we are still soul mates with the same special birthday!
Many blessing to you! I will keep you in my prayers.
so Glad you are back...and so sorry about your marriage...but hopefully you can move on into a new and happier phase of your life....Lisa in Oz...who still loves all of her pin toppers you have amde for me...
Good luck Annie!!
So happy to see you again.....
So happy to see you back. Sorry you've gone thru a bad time (been there, done that) but it does get MUCH better afterward, trust me! Looking forward to hearing from you more.
I am so glad you are back Annie! Your pins are absolutely wonderful and no one else can do what YOU do, so keep "doing it". I have also been getting back on track with life after a personal setback. Listening to my favorite music each morning gets me on the right path. Find your sunshine and go get it!You can do it. Hugs, Keri
So sorry for all that you've gone through, but glad you're back to blogging! I have the lovely pin cushion & topped pins that you sent me in a swap years ago proudly displayed on my work area. Makes me smile everything I glance at it! Stay strong!!! ~Jessica D.
I just stumbled on your blog and love it. So sorry to hear that this has not been the best of time for will get easier. Promise. I've been there and done that and right might it might feel like a unbearable death there will be great things to come from this burden that you are going through right now. Just focus on all the good things that can come of it and pay the least attention to the negative parts. You might be surprised in the months to learn things about yourself that you never knew before. Run with those.
I had to laugh about the name change. I'll spare you details, but I hate my birth name and the person who gave it to me. I have always wanted to legally change it but am too cheap. During my divorce I didn't have the option of not using said marriage name. But when I went to apply for Social Security Disablity the gentle said do you want your checks issued to the last name you use now or your given first and last name. I jumped at the chance...and even celebrated with coffee and donuts.
I just opened a Etsy shoppe and was going back and forth on what to call it..and suddenly it hit me that there was only one right name..the nickname that father called for 28 years. I had chosen something I had to start over but it was worth it.
Hang in there...each day will be easier and I won't say you won't have some hard ones. Hell I got divorced in 1983 and occasionally have a really bad and spend hours crying...but it will make you stronger.
Love your blog
Amanda aka
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