Hi friends! These 2 images belong to Aimee Ray. I was so excited to see these pics in her flickr photostream I had to snag them lol. Last year Aimee asked me to be a contributor in her book The Holiday Motif Collection. It's available through Amazon now in case you're interested. See the little teapot cozy up there in the left hand corner? I designed and wrote the pattern for it. I haven't seen the book in person yet so I'm dying lol. Aimee's doing a giveaway on her blog this week. Head on over to Little Deer Tracks and enter in to win a FREE copy! Aimee, in case you're reading this post: Thanks so much for everything! I'm so thankful to be a part of your fun crafty book!
Here's a link to my flickr: Annie Kight of Pinks & Needles
Here's a link to Aimee's flickr: Aimee Ray aka Merwing